Every year, traders and investors alike wonder how many trading days are left in the year. Trading days refer to
the days when the stock market is open for business, and traders can buy or sell stocks. In this article, we
will delve into the number of trading days in a year, including how many trading days there are in 2024.

The number of trading days in a year varies from year to year. The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Nasdaq are
the two primary stock exchanges in the United States, and they both observe the same holidays. The two stock
exchanges have the same schedule, which means that they are closed on the same days.

In 2024, there will be a total of 252 trading days. This number is calculated by taking the total number of days
in a year (365) and subtracting the holidays when the stock market is closed. The stock market is closed on
weekends and nine public holidays, including New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents Day, Memorial
Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and Washington’s Birthday.

The total number of public holidays varies by state, and some holidays are observed on different days, depending
on the state. Therefore, it is essential to check the NYSE and Nasdaq websites to confirm the exact days they are

In recent years, the number of trading days has increased, thanks to the growing demand for global investment.
With the global economy becoming more interconnected, investors can now trade in foreign markets. This development
has increased the number of trading hours, which, in turn, has led to more trading days.

In conclusion, knowing how many trading days there are in a year is essential for traders and investors. It helps
them to plan their trading strategies and make informed decisions. With the number of trading days in 2024 being
252, traders can take advantage of the opportunities presented by the stock market.

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